Overview of all Ultramarin publications.
Herskovic, B., Kind, T., Kung, H., (2023) Journal of Financial Economics , 149 (1): 27-51
Bianchi, F., Gómez-Cram, R., Kind, T., Kung, H., (2023) Journal of Monetary Economics , (135): 37-54
Corhay, A., Kind, T., Kung, H., Morales, G., (forthcoming) Journal of Finance
Maximilian Müller, Martin Jacob and Roni Michaely, (2019) The Review of Financial Studies , (32): 3144–3182
Oertmann, Peter, (2018) Absolut Report
Maximilian Müller, Inga Bethmann and Martin Jacob, (2018) The Accounting Review , (93): 101–125
Maximilian Müller, Matthias Breuer and Katharina Hombach, The Review of Financial Studies, 2018 (31): 1265–1297.
Bendig, D., Willmann, D., Strese, S., & Brettel, M., (2018) Journal of Marketing , 82(2), 19-41
Maximilian Müller, Thorsten Sellhorn, Controlling & Management Review, 2017 (61):50–55.
Oertmann, Peter, (2017) Absolut Report
Maximilian Müller, Lars H. Haß and Sofia Johan, Journal of Business Ethics, 2016 (134): 649–668.
Trendelkamp-Schroer, Benjamin & Wu, Hao & Noé, Frank. (2016).
Richter, Ronald & Eric Kyprianidis, Jan & Springborn, Boris & Alexa, Marc. (2016). Computer Graphics Forum. n/a-n/a. 10.1111/cgf.12805.
Trendelkamp-Schroer, Benjamin & Noé, Frank. (2014). Physical Review X. 6. 10.1103/PhysRevX.6.011009.
Richter, Ronald & Alexa, Marc (2015). Computers & Graphics. 53. 10.1016/j.cag.2015.08.007.
Maximilian Müller, Edward J. Riedl and Thorsten Sellhorn, The Accounting Review, 2015 (90): 2411–2447.
Trendelkamp-Schroer, Benjamin & Wu, Hao & Paul, Fabian & Noé, Frank. (2015). The Journal of Chemical Physics. 143. 10.1063/1.4934536.
Maximilian Müller, Lars H. Haß and Skrålan Vergauwe, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2015 (34): 251–267.
Scherer, Martin & Trendelkamp-Schroer, Benjamin & Paul, Fabian & Pérez-Hernández, Guillermo & Hoffmann, Moritz & Plattner, Nuria & Wehmeyer, Christoph & Prinz, Jan-Hendrik & Noé, Frank. (2015). Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 11. 5525-5542. 10.1021/acs.jctc.5b00743.
Maximilian Müller, Denis Schweizer and Volker Seiler, Journal of Business Ethics, 2016 (138): 627–648.
Maximilian Müller, Lars H. Haß and Zhifang Zhang, Sustainable Entrepreneurship in China, Cumming et al. (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, 1–22.
Richter, Ronald & Alexa, Marc. (2014). Computers & Graphics. 46. 10.1016/j.cag.2014.09.009.
Willmann, D., & Brettel, M. (2015). In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2015, No. 1, p. 13359). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Oertmann, Peter, 2013. Absolut Report.
ML Trendelkamp-Schroer, Benjamin & Noé, Frank. (2013). The Journal of Chemical Physics. 138. 10.1063/1.4801325.
Mathias Eitz. Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität, 2012.
Senne, Martin & Trendelkamp-Schroer, Benjamin & S. J. S. Mey, Antonia & Schütte, Christof & Noé, Frank. (2012). Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 8. 2223–2238. 10.1021/ct300274u.
M. Eitz, J. Hays, M. Alexa. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings SIGGRAPH) 31 (4), 44:1--44:10. 2012.
Eitz, Mathias & Richter, Ronald & Hildebrand, Kristian & Alexa, Marc. (2012). ACM Transactions on Graphics. 31.
Trendelkamp-Schroer, Benjamin & Helm, Julius & T. Strunz, Walter. (2011). Physical Review A. 84. 10.1103/PhysRevA.84.062314.
M Eitz, J Hays. ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Talks, 30, 2011.
(rev. 2011) [in German], Maximilian Müller, Stefan Hahn and Thorsten Sellhorn, Die Wirtschaftsprüfung, 2011 (64): 1013–1016.
Eitz, Mathias & Richter, Ronald & Hildebrand, Kristian & Boubekeur, Tamy & Alexa, Marc. (2012). Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE. 31. 56 - 66. 10.1109/MCG.2011.67.
Oertmann, Peter, Daniel Seiler und Franziska Kirner. Absolut Report, 2011.
M Eitz, K Hildebrand, T Boubekeur, M Alexa. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 17 (11), 1624-1636, 2011.
M Eitz, K Hildebrand, T Boubekeur, M Alexa. Computers & Graphics 34 (5), 482-498, 2010.
Markounikau, V., Igel, C., Grinvald, A., & Jancke, D. (2010). PLoS computational biology, 6(9), e1000919.
R Richter, M Eitz, M Alexa. ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Talks, 42, 2010.
M Eitz, K Hildebrand, T Boubekeur, M Alexa. ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Talks, 5, 2010.